Porn Ruins Relationships

It’s unfortunate that some of us fall into the trap of thinking that being in a relationship will stop our porn addiction. I’m a victim of this idea myself and I am grateful to not have experienced the devastating effects it has.

It is human nature to seek the easy way out, a relationship could become a distraction to our urges, but it will only last so long. Notice how your desire to consume porn, the same category or genre, after a while, does not satisfy. The dopamine rush you experience is not the same anymore. You always seek out something new or more extreme.

Relationships experience a romantic phase where a couple cannot let go of each other for the first few months. Give it one year and that phase begins to dissipate and you become accustomed to seeing the same person every day.

Think of what will happen next.

The same addiction that you used your relationship to distract you from will resurface. It will consume your mind, and more often than not, you will try to hide this addiction out of shame or embarrassment. I’ve read many accounts of women claiming to have caught their significant others consuming pornography, and the overwhelming result is that the person you love is devastated by the issue you neglected.

The unrealistic aspects of porn will distort your mind, and you will find that the natural intimate attraction between a man and woman is no longer appealing to you. Not because you don’t desire it, but because you’ve altered your perception of pleasure to something entirely different.

The effect on your wife or spouse is a feeling of neglect, betrayal, depression, of being unloved and not desired by the person they chose to spend the rest of their lives with. A broken family and a broken home seem to be the ultimate outcome.

So I caution you against this way thought, that by distracting yourself you can overcome your addiction. Instead, it’ll creep back in at the opportune moment to strike you down. And along with it, it’ll affect all those that you love. That is why you must seek to remove this addiction before you commit your life to someone else.

As I have said, attack the root cause which is your own thoughts in your mind. Avoid seeking the easy way out because it results, ultimately, in a fateful event. Do not be so desperate and neglectful. Better to be alone with your problems than to have to burden others with them.


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