
Effectively Planning for your New Year’s Resolutions (Sample Plan)

A new year is on us soon. Many of us are thinking about our goals and reflecting on what we have achieved thus far. For some of us, we have realized our goals and yet for others, our goal is yet to be realized. I was among the latter group for the better part of the last 5 years. I would always set the same goal, overcome porn and I always failed to succeed. I also set many other goals, but I was not able to effectively measure their success. What changed in the last year was the strong belief that I developed in myself and the alteration to my thoughts that materialized into the desire and willpower to make me succeed. Now, another new year is almost upon us. 2023 is just around the corner. Many of us are already thinking about what we want to achieve in the span of 12 months. Remember, everyone is different and no two people are alike. When setting goals it may seem as though you are falling behind your peers but such thinking is detrimental to your success. Comparing yourself to oth...

Porn Ruins Relationships

It’s unfortunate that some of us fall into the trap of thinking that being in a  relationship will stop our porn addiction. I’m a victim of this idea myself and I  am grateful to not have experienced the devastating effects it has. It is human nature to seek the easy way out, a relations hip could become a  distraction to our urges, but it will only last so long. Notice how your desire to consume porn, the same category or genre, after a while, does not satisfy. The dopamine rush you experience is not the same anymore. You always seek out something new or more extreme. Relationships experience a romantic phase where a couple cannot let go of each other for the first few months. Give it one year and that phase begins to dissipate and you become accustomed to seeing the same person every day. Think of what will happen next. The same addiction that you used your relationship to distract you from will resurface. It will consume your mind, and more often than not, you will try...

3 Important Steps to Overcome Porn That You Must Start Doing Now

If you have read any modern personal development book you will notice that many authors cite research studies, data, and general knowledge on overcoming addiction habits. With all the information that we know today, it’s fair to ask: How did people 100 years ago and even prior understand personal development, and what methods did they use? Let’s dive into it to see how we can use it to overcome porn and achieve any sort of success. In my own journey of struggling against pornography, I wanted to research and seek out answers to the issues I was facing. Having read books such as Atomic Habits and the Happiness Advantage, I found the content fascinating but it lacked direction on implementation. Alas, my only option was sincere prayer in finding an answer to my questions. Eventually, I came across books written prior to the 1990s and some as old as the 1920s. A recurring theme in these books was how thought, desire, and willpower were all connected to the actions of man and what he becom...

What Everyone Forgets to do When Trying to Fight Porn — My Personal Experience

I had struggled for six years to overcome porn. Each year I would set a goal on New Year's Day that I would overcome porn for good during that year, and yet, each year I failed at this goal. I had very limited success. Sometimes I managed to avoid porn for a few weeks, maybe a few months, and other times only a few days. A relapse would always be right around the corner and the feeling of defeat haunted me over all those years. You may find that your experience is very similar to mine. No matter what you do it almost always seems that your efforts will be futile and that relapse is inevitable. You would feel helpless against porn and would want to overcome it but the urge to overcome is not as strong enough as the urge to indulge in your desires. It takes a little reflection to see what’s going on in your mind throughout this whole process. Let me show you what I mean. Over the six years of my own battle, I picked up on what was going on but was never able to pinpoint it precisely....

My Story of Overcoming Porn and My Ultimate Goal

It all started at the age of 12. I was in a sex-ed class in elementary school and the teacher was showing us pictures of half-naked models in various magazines. At the age of 12, I didn’t know about porn addiction or the foul effects it would have on me. I had no clue what I was getting myself into but from that day curiosity led to an internet search which progressed to an addiction from which there seemed no escape. My story is no different from everyone else who has suffered from an addiction to porn. It starts with curiosity and has no end to the depressive impact it has on you. In my teens, I never thought of it as a problem although I knew it was wrong. When I was 18, I began to realize how big a problem it had become. At that point, it seemed impossible to give it up. It made me depressed, I felt like a zombie — lifeless. I couldn’t enjoy life to the fullest because at the back of my mind this addiction was waiting to control me. No matter what I did, my mind almost seemed to ha...